Camino de Santiago.Many of our guests are pilgrims who are doing the Camino de Santiago. Some of them after walking for about a month, from Valencia, Algeciras; others from closer, such as Zamora, Puebla de Sanabria, Chaves…But many of them start in Ourense, or resume their pilgrimage in our city. That is because we are …
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Neighborhood of Viños of Ourense
Near Grelo Hostel we find the Neighborhood of Viños which is a set of streets where most of the hotel and catering establishments of Casco Vello are located. Those streets located around the cathedral are Praza do Ferro, Rua Viriato, Rua San Miguel, Eironciño dos Cabaleiros, Rua da Paz, Rua Lepanto, Rua dos Fornos, Praza …
Alternative route to go in in the city of Ourense
Grelo Hostel Presents you an alternative route to go in in the city of Ourense. We know by experience and by you comments of 99% of the pilgrims that lodge with us Xunqueira of Ambía- Ourense is one of the hardest stages of the Route Sanabresa by the quantity of asphalt that it is necessary …
Alternative route to go in in the city of Ourense Read More »
Montealegre Botanical Park
A place to visit and have a good time near the Grelo Hostel is the Botanical Park of Montealegre Most people don’t know it, but Ourense is the most northern area of the Peninsula to have a Mediterranean climate. This is due to the peculiar orography of Galicia, thanks to which we have a diversity …
A place to run in Ourense: Paseo do Barbaña
Very close to the Grelo Hostel there is a little known river walk, very used for running along the Barbaña River. You can go back along both banks of the river and it is a 90% dirt track. Let’s meet this little jewel of Ourense. How to get to the running place: To reach it, …
The garden of Posío
A place to visit and have a good time near the Grelo Hostel is the Garden of Posío. Origins of Xardín do Posío An old botanical garden created by the teachers of the next Otero Pedrayo Secondary School. Although at that time, in 1846, the name was «Centro Provincial de Instrucción», because it began to …
Ourense hot springs
The Ourense hot springs are springs from which water springs at temperatures above 60º. We bathe in them because they have healing properties and they leave us at ease. Here we tell you why the water comes out hot and how to get to them. In Ourense and its surroundings, for thousands of years we …